Our top 10 tips for working from home.
by Jana Jassova
27 July 2020
Read length
3 min
With working from home becoming a revolution not evolution, Claremont have come up with a top ten simple yet essential tips when working from home in order to work effectively and efficiently.
Plan your day
What does your day look like, what time are you getting up, what activities are you planning, when/how will you exercise? Make a plan to give you structure and keep you on track.
Make your bed
As a famous US Admiral once said, make your bed in the morning and you’ve accomplished your first task of the day and are ready for the next. Watch his video @ https://youtu.be/3sK3wJAxGfs Lets make the second task being getting dressed – no one wants to catch you in your dressing gown during your morning Zoom meeting!
Hydrate and eat well
Looking after your health has never been so important, keep drinking water and keep your hands off the snack draw.
Apply the ROWE mindset
A Results Only Work Environment is the only way to successfully nail the working from home routine. Set goals, achieve and move on. The 9-5 is truly gone, its all about the rise of the results driven working day.
Set your space up with plenty of natural light
Natural light is important, from a Vitamin D boost through to enhanced mental wellbeing – open the curtains, crack the window and the day always feels better.
Take inspiration from your surroundings
We live amongst our Pinterest pins. Whether you are designing, writing or building something – take the inspiration from around you.
Work where the activity dictates
Whether it be the garden or taking a walk for a call, a quiet room for some concentration or your lounge for those Friday afternoon team drinks – make use of what space you have and remember an activity-based setting still applies at home.
Create a routine
Routine keeps us focused and delivering against those point 4 results. If you’ve children or others in the household encourage them to also adopt a routine – but make sure it flexes around you.
Communicate more than ever
Humans are naturally social and it’s important for wellbeing to keep in regular contact with your colleagues. Utilise the various tech available, including the likes of Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Hangouts
Be kind to yourself
It’s a tough time at the moment, and juggling work and family can be overwhelming. Make sure you take breaks, enjoy your time at home and fit in the occasional treat!
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